I am a leader who can get things done. When I was a State Representative I did a great job with improving Minnesota’s economy. I will work hard to get our economy back on track. The current politicians in St. Paul that control the Minnesota House and Senate have passed dozens of laws that make us less safe and make Minnesota an unaffordable State for people to live. You are worse off now than you were four years ago when my opponent was elected. You spend a lot more for food, gas, housing, energy, insurance, day care, and many more items.

Improve Our Economy

I will work for state policies that encourage job creation and economic growth. I understand that too much government interference hinders our economic growth and stifles jobs. We need to deflate prices by lowering taxes, having fewer regulations, and reducing our out-of-control government spending. We need to improve our business permit process so businesses can start up in Minnesota. I believe people should keep more of their hard-earned money so they have more money to spend on what they need. I will invest in families instead of government.

Provide Quality Education

Our schools need to provide quality education and ensure academic excellence. Let’s have schools that teach students the Basics so they can succeed in whatever job they choose. Student test scores are on the decline and literacy rates have fallen by 16%. Students need to get caught up after years of learning loss.

I support local control of our schools and support parents ahead of bureaucrats. Local school boards, with input from the parents, should have decision-making power of what happens in our schools. Education policies should be tailored to the unique needs of each community. I will help parents with their concerns about their child’s education. Parents should be kept informed about what is happening to their child in school. In the last two sessions under full Democrat control, the state has taken away decision-making power from local educators and school boards.

Funding for our schools should be fair and flexible. Our local schools need flexibility to use their funding in a way that works for their own district instead of being subjected to one-size-fits-all mandates. Democrats passed more than 65 new mandates on schools. Many of these mandates are unfunded and unnecessary.

Provide safety for our communities

The crime in Minnesota has increased dramatically and our neighborhoods are not safe. I support our law enforcement and will strengthen our criminal justice system. We must make sure police officers have the resources and training they need. We need to recruit and retain more police officers. The criminal justice system needs to do a better job with enforcing our laws and we need to have stronger laws against people who are stealing. We must hold criminal offenders accountable and reinstate stronger sentences for violent criminals. We should reverse harmful policies that undermine police authority.

Help the homeless

Whenever possible we should prevent homelessness. Prevention is less disruptive to a family and community. When homelessness occurs we must ensure that it is brief and that people who experience it reintegrate quickly back into the community.

I will be a strong voice for you. I am the best candidate to improve our economy, lower your cost of living and provide safe communities. I did it when I was a state representative and I will do it again..

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